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記事ID(Article Identifier)[AID]
全フィールド(All Fields)[ALL]
コメント(Comment Corrections)
法人著者(Corporate Author)[CN]
EC/RN番号(EC/RN Number)[RN]
Entrez Date [EDAT]
Filter [FILTER]
第1著者名(First Author Name)[1AU]
著者のフルネーム(Full Author Name)[FAU]
Full Investigator Name [FIR]
Grant Number [GR]
Investigator [IR]
Issue [IP]
雑誌名(Journal Title)[TA]
最終著者(Last Author)[LASTAU]
Location ID [LID]
MeSHデータ(MeSH Date)[MHDA]
MeSH主要見出し(MeSH Major Topic)[MAJR]
MeSH副見出し(MeSH Subheadings)[SH]
MeSH語句(MeSH Terms)[MH]
NLM Unique ID [JID]
Other Term [OT]
Personal Name as Subject [PS]
Pharmacological Action MeSH Terms [PA]
Place of Publication [PL]
Publication Date [DP]
Publication Type [PT]
Secondary Source ID [SI]
Subset [SB]
Substance Name [NM]
Text Words [TW]
音訳された題名(Transliterated Title) [TT]
Pubmed ID(UID [PMID])
巻番号(Volume [VI])
第1著者(first auther)の所属機関と住所(電子メールアドレスを含む)に関する情報が含まれます。このフィールドを使って、ある特定の団体による論文だけを検索することができます(例:cleveland [ad] AND clinic [ad])。
記事ID(Article Identifier)[AID]
doi(デジタルオブジェクトID、digital object identifier)など雑誌出版社によって登録された記事IDが含まれます。このデータは外部リンクの生成によく使われます。
全フィールド(All Fields)[ALL]
Includes all search fields except for Place of Publication and Transliterated Title. Only terms enclosed in double quotes, truncated, or not found in one of the tables used in automatic term mapping will be searched in all fields. PubMed ignores stopwords 出版場所([PL])と音訳された題名([TT])を除く全てのフィールドが含まれます。 ダブルクォートで囲まれた語句、途中までの語句、または自動語句マッピングで使われる表の中で見つからない語句は全てのフィールドの中から検索されます。 但し停止語(stopword、前置詞、助動詞、接続詞、代名詞、be動詞、do、単位などを含む)は無視します。

このフィールドで検索するための様式は次の通りです。 姓(last name)+空白+名(first name)最初2文字以内+省略接尾辞(ピリオド) 可能なら姓の後のピリオドとコンマを除く全てが対象になります。 (例:fauci as or o'brien jc jr) イニシャルと接尾辞は検索の際省略されます。

PubMed automatically truncates on an author's name to account for varying initials, e.g., o'brien j [au] will retrieve o'brien ja, o'brien jb, o'brien jc jr, as well as o'brien j. To turn off this automatic truncation, enclose the author's name in double quotes and tag with [au] in brackets, e.g., "o'brien j" [au] to retrieve just o'brien j.

Searching by full author name for articles published from 2002 forward is also possible, if available. Full names display in the FAU field on the MEDLINE display format. Various limits on the number of authors included in the MEDLINE citation have existed over the years (see NLM policy on author names).

コメント(Comment Corrections)
The data in these fields are citations to other associated journal publications, e.g., comments or errata. Often these link to the respective citation. Comments/Corrections data can be retrieved by the search term that follows each type:
法人著者(Corporate Author)[CN]
EC/RN番号(EC/RN Number)[RN]
Entrez Date [EDAT]
Filter [FILTER]
第1著者名(First Author Name)[1AU]
著者のフルネーム(Full Author Name)[FAU]
Full Investigator Name [FIR]
Grant Number [GR]
Investigator [IR]
Issue [IP]
雑誌名(Journal Title)[TA]
最終著者(Last Author)[LASTAU]
Location ID [LID]
MeSHデータ(MeSH Date)[MHDA]
MeSH主要見出し(MeSH Major Topic)[MAJR]
MeSH副見出し(MeSH Subheadings)[SH]
MeSH語句(MeSH Terms)[MH]
NLM Unique ID [JID]
Other Term [OT]
Personal Name as Subject [PS]
Pharmacological Action MeSH Terms [PA]
Place of Publication [PL]
Publication Date [DP]
Publication Type [PT]
Secondary Source ID [SI]
Subset [SB]
Substance Name [NM]
Text Words [TW]
音訳された題名(Transliterated Title) [TT]
Pubmed ID(UID [PMID])
巻番号(Volume [VI])